You work hard throughout the year to save up for a vacation with family or friends. You may have even chosen to put off some vacation time until the kids are out of school during the summer. Now that summer is here, you can take your family to a new and exciting place for some quality time together. However, home burglaries happen more often than you may realize. In fact, burglars often pay close attention so they can capitalize when you’re away from the home for a long period of time. If you want to keep your home safe and secure while you’re on vacation, consider following the tips we’ve outlined below.
1. A House Sitter Can Help Keep Your Home Safe While on Vacation
One of the best things you can do is plan on having a housesitter stay in your home while you’re away. An occupied home is a deterrent for burglars. Burglars typically target homes that are empty, so if your house isn’t empty, it decreases the chance that they’ll select your home to hit.
If you don’t want someone to be in your home while you’re away, then another easy way to keep your home safe while on vacation is to have a trusted neighbor or friend keep an eye on it for you. Have someone park their car in your driveway once a day and take care of little things such as watering the garden, turning lights on and off, and collecting the mail to make the home look occupied.
2. Set Up a Home Security System
Another staple to ward off burglars and keep your home safe while on vacation is to set up an alarm system. Home security systems are widely available on the market, so contact a professional to tell you what system would work best for your needs.
Many of these systems come with an app that you can use on your smartphone. So, you can actually keep an eye on your house while you’re laying by the pool. If someone looks suspicious, you can either hit the alarm or call the police. You can be your own security guard, or you can pay for a service to have someone monitor the footage for you.
3. Stop Your Mail
A typical sign that burglars use to tell if someone has been home recently is an overflowing mailbox. If you didn’t tell your local mail office to pause deliveries on your home for a few days, then a large stack of mail will accumulate at your home. They’ll know you’re not home and select your house to pay a visit to later. So, to keep your home safe while on vacation, simply be sure that you tell the post office before you leave to stop deliveries until your return date. This will eliminate one of the obvious signs that no one is home.
4. Refrain from Disclosing Too Much on Social Media
While it may be difficult to resist the impulse, be sure not to share on social media that you’re going away or that you are on vacation. You would be surprised at how many people can see social media posts outside of your inner circle. Save on posting any pictures until after you have returned, or post them to a private and closed group that you have only invited your closest friends to join.
By practicing these methods, you can take steps to keep your home safe while on vacation. You’ll find that you are able to relax and enjoy your vacation knowing that your home is not a clear target for criminals.
Cabal Inspection Services serves Southeast Florida with home inspections and services. Contact us to schedule an appointment.